Bambi's Page

Bambi 1999 - 2016


Sixteen and half years ago on a cold December night, I found you in the middle of the road. You were cold, hurt, and hungry. I brought you in to keep you warm, to feed you, and see if there's anything else I could do to help. Little did I know that at that moment, I'd met by best friend. It wasn't easy at first. You chewed our furniture, wouldn't stop licking my face, woke me up when you were chasing what I think is a cat or a bird in your dreams. But over the years you became my best friend, and you never left my side.

I got to see you master fetch and catch balls in the air. You loved your naps, posing for photos, and you were so good at greeting customers at work.

Goodbye my furry friend. I have enjoyed your company every single moment: from car drives, to plane rides, to our work days, and lazy Sundays around the house.

I thank you for your unconditional love and friendship.

I will miss you,


Bambi 1999
Bambi 1999

Rescued from the streets in 1999
The day I rescued her from living in the streets – 1999

Employee of the year since 2002. Montclair, CA
Employee of the Year
since 2002 | Montclair, CA

Pictures taken from 2003-2005
Pictures taken from 2003-2005

Bambi 2003
Bambi 2003

Her smile
Her smile

Bambi 2014
Bambi 2014

Hide n seek play
Hide n seek play

At work by my side
At work by my side

Those eyes
Those eyes

July 4th fireworks
July 4th fireworks

Nap time - bed optional
Nap time – bed optional

Ethiopia, Africa visit 2007-08
Addis Ababa
Ethiopia 2007-2008

Visiting where my parents reside
Visiting where my parents reside

Bambi makes the cover for Wisdom Panel in 2010
Bambi makes the cover for Wisdom Panel in 2010

My swimming partner
My swimming partner

Always happy
Always happy

Stop watching tv and play fetch with me pleeeeasse
"Stop watching tv and play fetch with me pleeeeasse"

Playing with my nephew
"Playing with my nephew"

Summer days at the Shop
Summer days at the Shop


Appreciating our 16 year friendship
Appreciating our 16 year friendship

Bambi, I love you forever
Bambi, I love you forever